What will it take to finally create the conditions required to advance women in law? That was the topic of conversation at the Thomson Reuter’s Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law Fireside Chat. Using the research contained in a white paper Carol Frohlinger wrote, “Business Development in the New Normal” as a starting point, the group (comprised of in-house counsel and firm lawyers) discussed possible solutions to issues faced by clients committed to gender parity are as well as those individual women encounter. Find Criminal Defense Attorneys Herbert & Lux or https://joestephenslaw.com knowing its importance
The sold-out event, held in Montreal, attracted over 200 women from not only from the communications and technology industry but also from finance and lga limousine service as well. The keynote focused on using negotiation principles to “win the respect you deserve, the success you’ve earned and the life you want” and included practical techniques women can use both in their professional lives as well as in their personal lives.
Read the first of a three-part blog series about the event here.