“Our chapter of CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) recently held its first ever ‘Women in Action’ event. We hired Carol as our keynote speaker for two reasons:
1. we knew she would be a huge attraction to boost attendance
2. that negotiation, Carol’s area of expertise, was just what our group wanted to hear about!
We were right. Carol delivered on both objectives. She personalized her comments on negotiating compensation to our audience’s comments and questions. As one of our members said, ‘It was a great pleasure to attend Carol’s session. I loved her suggestions about keeping a brag book, the Hamilton reference she made to ‘being in the room where it happens’ and her warnings about aspirational collapse and ‘The Tiara Syndrome’, wow! She just nailed it – offering not only great content but also encouragement and inspiration.”
We received great feedback about her and and will strongly recommend Carol to our other chapters.”